Norton Lindsey residents are invited to the Right Royal Tea on Sunday 7th Mat at 3pm to help celebrate the Kings Coronation.
This is a free event but we do ask that you register your interest at a

How to get involved
Norton Lindsey’s “History in the Making” Coronation Collage
Take part and make your mark. As part of the forthcoming celebrations, we
would like to unite the whole community and create a “snapshot” of our
Village and its residents at the time of the King’s Coronation. The aim is to
create one sprawling and inclusive collage that tells the story of our village
as it stands today, archived at County level for future generations. We would
love you to be part of this “history in the making” and it is something you can
do, even if you will not be around for the weekend celebrations. You should
all have received details through your letterbox but please contact me if you
have been missed.
“Crown Your Home”
Dress your house with a crown for the coronation. We encourage you to
display a crown at the front of your property, perhaps a window, the garden
or gate, visible for those walking past. Enjoy a walk to see how many crowns
you can spot, both in front of houses and at other locations around the
village. There will be a prize for the most crowns spotted and for the best
Coronation Cake Competition
Following the success of the Jubilee cake competition, we will be holding a
competition to make the best cake “Fit for a King”. Cakes to be delivered
to the village hall before the Right Royal Tea, on Sunday 7 May by 2.30pm.
There will be 3 age categories: Child, Teen (13 -17) and Adult (18+). Entry
forms can be found here or can be completed when delivering. After judging, slices of cake will then be available to compliment the afternoon tea.